I make an acknowledgement that the motivation and the inspiration to do it, I got from the Blog A Chatter group one of the top blogger group in India.
The planning started in March consisting of knowledge sharing and the long mentoring process, which you can read in the Theme Reveal.
It wasn't easy for me to write twenty-six posts starting from the first of April, each standing for a letter in the English alphabet in the order. Next, year it will be easier than this time, I believe.
When you read the posts, please start from the Theme Reveal to get a full picture.
3. A Car-Crash -C
4. Disaster - D
5. An Earthquake -E
6. His Old-Friend -F
7. Nursing Grievances - G
8. A Hotchpotch of Emotions -H
9. She Felt Invicta -I
10. He Felt a Little Jagged -J
14. Finding One's Niche -N
15.His Mother's Openness -O
16. Possibilities of Life -P
17. All Questions -Q
18. A Robbery -R
19. Submission of the Report -S
21 The Unknown Source -U
22. His Vengeance -V
23. The Case of Women Matters -W
25. Rossy-The Mystery Woman -Y
26. The Azure Blue Honda City -Z
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