Letter S- Submission of the Chembolil Murder Case Report

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Some witnesses, who the police claimed to have corroborated with the material evidence, denied knowing the police version.  They held the view the police planted such pieces of evidence.

30 July 2016, The Special Investigation Team submitted the case report of the Cembolil murder case to the trial court at Ernakulum.  

There was substantial media interest in the case.  Through their breaking news, interviews and panel discussions, the public got a clear idea about the matters contained in the crime report. 

According to the report, the Bengali migrant labourer the investigation team nabbed from the deprived area in the Assam state of India was a loner suspect in the case.

A disturbing thing since the news about the migrant's arrest got reported in the media was a considered part of the public was sceptic about it.  Their public protest had resulted in the authorities showing interest in the case and prioritising it as a high-profile criminal case.  But they couldn't get convinced the man had committed the offence.  The destruct was caused by their lack of trust in everyone holding power-- the political parties, the officials, the neighbourhood, the victim's mother, the police force, the circumstantial evidence offered by the neighbourhood area.  

There were contradictions in the evidence given by the neighbourhood.  Some of them have reported that they were coached by the police to the media.  The victim's mother gave contradicting statements to the police and the channel interviews.  At times she stated she didn't know the suspect. At other, she followed the police statements and at other times, and that the man was not capable of doing the murder alone.

Some witnesses, who the police claimed to have corroborated with the material evidence, denied knowing the police version.  They held the view the police planted such pieces of evidence.


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