Letter W-Women Matters

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The women commissioner argued that she trusted the government took all the necessary steps to speed up the investigation.  In her view, the speedy replacement of the first investigation by the Special Investigation agency was a classic commitment to do justice to the victim. She pleaded to leave everything with the government and the systems to fulfil their responsibilities.

The scene continues from the previous one here.

There was an unusual pattern in the channel 36 discussion concluded so far—no woman was a participant in the debate.   They got excluded or declined the invitation, which no one in public knew.

The omission raised criticism from various social circles, social media, and women's organisations.  On the fifth day, the panel included two women participants—one of them a lawyer-activist, a person known for taking a sensible legal stand on social and women's issues.  The second, she was heading a women's commission, a body responsible for woman's welfare, starting from girl-children to senior persons. 

The two in the panel have roused a new interest in the channel viewers.  The woman attorney fared well in her arguments highlighting the general apathy in the government systems in dealing with women's issues.  They deserve more from the government, the public, the law-and-order system, and the police.  

The latest case in point in such neglect is the Chempoli murder case. She added--the way its investigation progressed so far proved nothing to convince the women in the state about their equal status with men in public or private.  The gender equality stated in the constitution proves just a statement and not a reality until women experience and enjoy equality in their personal lives.

The women commissioner argued that she trusted the government took all the necessary steps to speed up the investigation.  In her view, the speedy replacement of the first investigation by the Special Investigation agency was a classic commitment of the government to do justice to the victim. She pleaded to leave everything with the government and the systems to fulfil their responsibilities.

She used strong words to dismiss any arguments hinting the investigation had lost genuine track. 



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