Prasanna Raghavan

Welcome to the person behind this website.

Author picture with the bookcover and KDP in Kindle

Prasanna Raghavan is the author of Under the Bakula Tree-A Sisterhood Roots against patriarchy. A novella self-published in Amazon KDP. 

She is an alumnus of All About Writing, an online creative writing course. She successfully completed the IWP (International Women's Programme) conducted by Iowa State University, US, in 2016. 

Before enthusing in creative writing and publishing, she was an educator and served countries Tanzania, Nigeria and Lesotho before South Africa, teaching Physics and Mathematics, two critical subjects.  

She holds graduate degrees in Physics and Education from the University of Kerala, India. And a master's degree in maths education from Rhodes University, Grahamstown.

Her research topic toward her master's degree is Social Constructivism in Maths Education.  Her Research thesis was published at Rhodes University.

She was featured in Women's Web and Feminism in India.

She was born and brought up in Kerala, India. She lives with her husband in two countries, South Africa (Cape Town) and India (Kerala). Their two grown-up daughters are married and live in Cape Town with their husbands. 

Her website and Social Media links.

Website Link

